Incitement Full Movie tamil no login Solar Movies Thriller genre
- Publisher - Heather Hughson
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Creator=Yaron Zilberman. . year=2019. Thriller. Director=Yaron Zilberman. 123Minutes. This video should be on Trending. Incitement test definition. Let me preface this by saying that I am writing this out of sheer frustration, I am aware the movie has gotten 99% on Rotten Tomatoes and is universally acclaimed by the critic, since I couldn't find anywhere the points I'm about to make, I figured I would just laid them out for discussion here. My intent is not to incite inflammatory behaviour or to "troll" but to merely see if I missed something or to find someone else that had the same experience. I will go BALLS DEEP into the movie, which obviously had A LOT of good points, I'm not going to shit on a good movie, but I want to laid out the good and the bad. Maybe I just want to figure out if I enjoyed it through this review. Some necessary prefacing. I'm pretty acquainted into essai cinema (among my favourite directors are the likes of Malick, Refn, Von Trier, Tarkovsky and the list goes on) and I watch a good chunk of indie movies every year, so I have no trouble digesting "artsy" material. To the contrary, I find this movie to be quite linear in its conveying, although the plot itself was quite intricate it was no Neon Demon and is quite understandable by anyone who's paying attention to it. (if you want to throw the "you just didn't get it" card, at least please read the whole post where I'll try to make sense of it. I did not like Snowpiercer at all, mostly for the same reasons I'm about to laid out. Maybe it's just my political beef with this particular author. -The cinematography was superb, the acting was on point, the music was awesome I have no beef with any of the aesthetic aspects of the movie whatsoever. -I went to see it without any spoilers but from what I gathered the consensus said "horror movie masterpiece where the movie swiftly changes around 1 hour into it" I know it would have been better if I had no expectations but I was kinda expecting some Hereditary's vibes -I was on board until 15 minutes to the end, I enjoyed the catarthic moment in the garden (I won't be explicit if I am not forced to, but if you're reading this, please be aware there may be some spoilers so read at your own peril) I'll laid out my thoughts on the finale later. -I am by no means rich/borguese (I know for a fact that by the end of the post this criticism will be thrown at me, my family is average/poor and we have our fair share of unemployment and financial struggle) I am writing this because the movie is considered god tier material, so I'll have to be severe/with high expectations, if it was your typical indie movie without any pretense, I would be far less strict. So, basically my beef with the movie resides in how simplistic its portrayal of society is laid out. Can it be summed up as "rich man bad. I think it can: while I see universal praise for its social commentary, I cannot fathom how a "masterpiece" can portray the class warfare by making the characters so extremely exaggerated to the point of parody. The rich mother is naive, uneducated, silly, immature, childish, at times irky, the only good trait she has is she cares about her son's wellbeing (although this trait is only hinted at and not developed on) I mean she is a comedic character you just cannot empathize with, she has no art culture, she is fond of americanism for the sake of it, she cannot recognize those people are being scammers. I know, that's the point of the film, let's accept it. Moving on. The rich father is introduced as this authoritary figure, your typical CEO deep voiced well dressed and all that jazz. But as the story goes on, we find out that he's a shallow, superficial, egoistic, unemphatic piece of sh*t. We have no clue how he made his fortune (we only see his job facility but we have no insight in his brilliance) we have to assume he's not the brightest as well by various scenes (him deducting his driver did cocaine by the underwear clue, him not even googling the agency card he's given by the poor father) and overall any sentimental development is absent (every time he's asked if he loves hiw wife he deflects the question, his rapport is centered around physical pleasure and borguese attendances) so we cannot emphatize with him as well (you'll say "that's the point! and if that's the case, this is not a good thing. More on this later) The rich children: the little kid is presented as a vivid, creative special snowflake, there are even some hints he could develop into some mastermind (remember in the beginning when the sister says he's faking his artsy behaviour. but no: in the end, all he is is a special snowflake who's crying for attention and exhibits artistic behaviours just to get noticed. The rich sister is just plain bland underage schoolgirl who falls in love with his teacher since he's the only one who pays full attention to her (I know, that's the point. So the entire rich family is stereotyped to the point of having no positive traits whatsoever (please correct me if I am missing anything) they have no redemtpion traits, they are not even human, they are just mindlessly existing in borguese autopilot without showing ANY sign of depth throughout the numerous events of the movie, it is almost impossible to empathize with them - that's the point, you'll say- but here's my problem: that's not how character design works. You're supposed ( let me rephrase it, it should be required if you want to develop any serious critic that reflects the real world) to have "villains" at this point I'll use this term to refer to rich people since from reading the director's interviews it's clear that was his intent) that are partly human and relatable, if you overdose on "bad" traits without giving any structure/counterpoint to them you just make silly childish villains that offer no serious critique in my opinion. The real world is complex, yeah your bad character with zero redemption value whatsoever is bad, so what? Can we move on to some substance please? By contrast, the poor family is emphatic, flawed, relatable, there's no doubt about it, they are well developed characters, and are enjoyable to follow. I don't know it the author intended it, but I found them to have some flaws that spiced them up. For example: the poor son, the protagonist is shown to betray his friend without any regret, when he promises to not hit on the rich daughter. I mean, he owes all his newfound fortune to him, aren't you supposed to feel at least guilty when you kiss her? But +1 for making the character more complex -the poor mother says the iconic phrase "if I were rich, I would be kind as well. Many people on the internet seem to preach that line as though it has to be taken at face value, I personally find it to be hypocrite since even when she's effectively living in the rich man's house, she still acts shallow and egoistic, just think of the scene when she throws the former maid over the stair and almost kills her, out of "greed" fear of being found out, yes, but in a deeper sense, materialistic pursuits. In the end she betrays her behaviour, she has no empathy for the former maid's family ( I know it's not a maid but I cannot remember the english word for that job, sorry. clearly some "poor vs poor" scenario plays out, you could say she was kinder when she had nothing at the beginning of the movie. Another plus point for character depth. Both the poor daughter and obviously the father are well developed, each have their own pattern of behaviours. I consider the poor family to be great characters 101, while the rich family is just unemphatizable (is that even a word. which is fine for a comedy (heck, even a dark one) but falls short when your attempt is develop some serious critique of society. You need to bring in some realistic, virtous and flawed, multilayered characters if you want to do that (in my opinion obviously. Even the former maid's couple is interesting, they have their own desired, background, they show plenty of emotion and we can relate to them, especially the male character, he goes crazy but we understand why, we are strongly recommended to understand his motives if not empathize with him. But why do I know so much about him and zero background on any of the rich family's members? Again, lazy critique by using simple villains that are easy to hate but offer zero critical value. This author's understanging of society can be summed up as "rich man bad" it's all over the place even in snowpiercer, you're not going to get some psychology nobel prize by laying out some generic socialism and twisting it with some good visuals, can you please develop your critic? I mean wes, there are some rich people in society that made it without having any talent. Bo-hoo, we do live in a society. Is this really revolutionary stuff? Am I the only one who finds this "social populism" to be bland, easy to resort to, and most of all unfruitful? I was expecting some Hereditary kind of twist (I know, my fault for reading some comments before watching it) I thought maybe the richfather would show to be a supervillain that had the family trapped all along just for the sake of sadism, but no, in the end it's a pretty linear movie about "rich man bad" the poor scam the rich but it's fine because they rich, but then the rich makes some comment about the poor's smell and we are supposed to feel bad about the poor, to the point of enjoying their splatter revenge. I almost wanted to root for the rich family out of protest for how "cheesy" this plot is. Again, what makes me mad is that you have literally zero reasons to side with the rich family, that's too convenient and it's not fair at all towards the "other side" of the dialogue. Can a masterpiece really have such poor characters? You tell me. Maybe I just didn't get it, in that case I'd like to be told what I didn't get. I enjoyed some motifs, for example the stone, personally I saw it as greed (it's said to bring material wealth for the one who possesses it) the protagonist cuddles it as his child, as he does when he ventures into the underground bunker driven by pure greed and that's also what is literally used to stone him almost to death. I'm all for symbolism so I enjoyed that nuance. Move on to the ending. I ws on board during the knife scene, great, I was hooked on at the kid waking up with trauma and euphoria, laughing at the cemetary, awesome dark writing, until that point I was pretty satisfied. Then they throw at you this last 10 min of cheese, clichè and motifs that puts to stress your suspension of disbelief, which highly affected by mood at the end of the movie and that's also why I have a negative memory of it. As I told you I was expecting some kind of Hereditary amoral end to a great dark comedy but then they overdrive on moralism/cheesiness for the poor and it just ruined the balance for me. It was great, I was even on board with killing the rich dude, why keep pushing on that road? it turned into a cheap honey drama. 1-the father realizes the best place to hide is inside the bunker. Yeah, I get what you're trying to convey but what a hard to digest clichè, also you already told me the bunker is the last place they'll ever discover due to economic reasons and all that jazz but I still found it really hard to digest, he wanted to adopt the maid's husband lifestyle of hikikomoring your way out of society (just after killing the rich, how convenient but ok, I get you're some kind of Joker pastor of socialism and you're a symbol, not going to complain) by hiding in plain sight. Again, I get it, but such a cheesy clichè at the end of a solid dark comedy. 2-we are supposed to accept the poor, uncultured dad not only learns Morse code, but he writes a 1000 words super cheesy letter (do you have any idea how long that takes to input in morse code? it was like 5 mins of dialogue with plenty of unimportant sentences) and then has the patience to keep pushing those buttons every single night? Suspension of disbelief is thrilling now, again "but he does it out of love for his scout son" I know, but that's still a lot of cheese to digest all at once. 3-the kid out of nostalgia comes back to the house and notices the light. how romantic of him, but that's because he misses his father and that's the last place his family was. happy. Again, I'm not saying it's implausible, but you can't deny this is Disney tier narration with a stack of sinful cliches 4-the fantasy of the kid. I wish I was rich enough to save you from the societal prison of poverty (a prison you should be in anyways since you fucking killed a father of two, even though he didn't like your smell so we are supposed to side with you but ok. but I am not. and the crying. I'm sure many of you loved it, maybe it's my fault for my liberal economical beliefs (I'm sure by now you get the hint I'm not a socialist) but I just can't get what the fuss about this author is about. Overall great aethetic and good story about an overdone subject, but to get into the "masterpiece" tier for me you'll have to bring more meat to the table and explore more dark aspects of human behaviour, not generic cheap social commentary. I hate numerical evaluations because they are useless, but just to clear where I stand overall I'd give it a 7. 5/10. I guess when your political view is 180 opposite of the author is hard to fully appreciate a movie, but that is not necessarily the case with me since I had no trouble at all enjoying other class struggle movies (Mad Max, Fight Club, Taxi Driver, Metropolis, to some degree clockwork orange) since they bring more mature social commentary, so imho it's not a political prejudice but merely a critique of lack of depth, I'd put this above V for Vendetta in that regard and on the same category of Joker (which is also considered a masterpiece by some, but maybe it's just me lol) I had plenty of thoughts and I want to make sure everything is in here, so if anything comes to mind in a later moment I'll edit it up here. Whoa I think that's it for now, thoughts.
Norway does not care, they hate Jews no less. Guess deep inside they still sorry for Hitter's failure. their Liberal agenda is so twisted and falls... Incitement imdb. This film is a re-creation of the life of Yigal Amir, the assassin of Yitzhak Rabin, from the time of the announcement of the 1st Oslo peace accord, to the actual deed. While Yigal was already a nationalist (he starts by being arrested at an anti-Oslo rally) various forces encouraged or abetted him towards assassination.
There is his mother, encouraging him to greatness, as per his name. There are rabbis who proclaim that Jewish law should supercede secular law, and also that Rabin is a "Persuer" and an "Informer" permitting him to be killed. There is a Likud / Bibi rally, where calls to kill Rabin go unchecked. There are girlfriends / potential brides, who just distance themselves from him but not report his thoughts to authorities. About the only person who comes off well is his father, who said that, if Rabin should be struck down, it should be by the hand of God and not of man.
I was at the world premiere (see: trivia) where the director said the film project was started 5 years ago, and it is just coincidental that it is coming out as populists hold hate-filled rallies.
YouTube Incitement (2019) Full Movie. What's wrong with what he said. People have become so soft it's unreal. I have a better idea, if this man made u angry you really need a hug and some love, and maybe a job and a woman or man depending on what your into. If those English pirates of back in the day were as soft as people today they would have colonised exactly zero people and the world would be in better shape. Lol I find it funny that people are so offended by this. I think some people should stay away from day time TV so they don't get triggered. Incitement tiff. Incitement definition.
Imagine ryan Reynolds watching Sterling k brown and Blake lively together with Deadpool voice. Hey, Reddit! Ghostasaurus here once more with a roaring-spirit! And Forgive me for a bit of repost this time. This kind of repost is kind of unusual per say for me 'cuz this theory I'm about to post and hopefully possibly redefine meanwhile building upon it I've already expressed to this community yesterday in the Official Discord of this Reddit Community after the release of Chapter 159 which has just gotten it's release yesterday and was kindly translated by the peeps of this community (ya'll are awesome. Anyhow I felt I could repost it as i felt the exposition and elaboration of my points where a bit rough and didn't completely felt proud on how presentation felt so forced because I had to do it in such a short amount of time as i had stuff to attend to after, so I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to redefine it; let's begin. Usually when it comes to shows or on-going weekly stories in general, including BEASTARS, I do tend to keep my mouth shut about how the events might possibly play out mostly because they have scripts yet to be finished, and unlike my usual takes on other stuff like DELTARUNE, Hollow Knight or Five Nights at Freddy's -Games I've tackled before and which true stories lies behind symbolism and hints- those have their story basically almost vaguely touched upon for the sake of mystery so its easy for me to make a complete statement on them based on my own interpretation of those; And even when I do tackle shows like I did with Dragon Ball Super all the way back to 2015 in my Twitter, or most recently Steven Universe Future -A show that went on hiatus but definitely left a picture of how its future events will play out based in the emotional state of the main character- I can also have a grasp of those because there is indeed a picture to go after based on previous knowledge about the series or stuff hinted towards it; But stuff like Beastars and mangas and animes of it's likings are kind of a wild card for me and I feel many people. They're still on-going and have an already set script which can change a theory drastically by next week or just overall debunk it, reason why I never tend to so so much theorizing on them because you can easily get it all wrong unless you have a good grasp of what you feel the story is about based on what has been presented to you thus far, and even then there is no guarantee you're gonna get it right, and meanwhile that also holds true for every media at least with games and movie you have a bit of time to earn credibility to be shut down a year after or so, shows just don't have no chill: v. However Beastars to me has become one of those interesting ones like Steven Universe Future in the sense that even thought is still on-going and yes even thought stuff can change, I feel you can get a grasp of how the events might play out based on previous knowledge, character behavior and the roaster of characters so far involved in the arc. Is quite interesting and I've began to talk about it alongside my sister who's just as obsessed with the series and I feel we both have a good idea where all this might lead to, and figure I could share what I have down considering most of the fandom kind of dismisses all this information mostly because most of us are expecting the obvious: Melon kidnapping Haru to try and eat her (Pause) and Legoshi will have to come to rescue. And meanwhile that's all well and good, and yes the stakes are indeed high with this, I feel most of us are underestimating Melon 's ambitions on this scenario. Why so? Well, because this is too little for a villain with such complex personality. If you guys wanna thoughts as for how the events of the Melon arc will come to a close I feel we're just entering the second act of it just now and we truly haven't seen the peak of Melon's insanity, he doesnt seem to be a guy whod just conform to go out without making a true bang for his closure. Melon knows both Legoshi and Yafya are after him, that idea alone does excites him, especially when looking at Legoshi who he seems to be fond on a twisted meaner because he's never met someone like him, he already expects to get involved with them and that on itself is an incitement to do things big, something he's already started to do. Look no further than Chapter 156, chapter in which we are presented with "The Day of Depravity" a weekly public ritual celebrated during Fridays in which Gumis. come together to rise their torches soaked in blood of all their respective members mixed, up in the air and spread their scent of their species upon the streets and claim their territory. During said ritual, the leader of the Inari-gumi -A group composed of Ezo Red Foxes- tries to claim their victory by having the most thicker scent in the air and proceed to mock the Shishi-gumi for having one of the weakest until Melon introduces himself in the picture claims that if the Shishi-gumi's current scent wasn't enough to own a lot of territory in the Black Market Alley he sees that the only way to sort this issue out and earn full domain of it would be by slicing off the neck of Dolph, one of the Shishi-gumi's own member, and spread his blood across the floor and spreading his scent in consequence; Let it be clear, he did this not because he needed to, but because he felt to. Not long after that he rises above above a container of meat, claims victory, and convinces every spectator present during the ritual to basically forget their morals and give onto their wild and horrific instincts and indulge themselves on the taste of meat. A true horrific series of events happening in a rather interesting ritual present in a arc of such twisted character, is rather intriguing. As of the current events of the last two chapters Melon does have full control of the Black Market Alley and it has gone full vivid ape-shit as in the words of Louis -who decided to take the risk of entering there to save his friends on the Shishi-gumi with his only shield being a card-board detailing his meat prizing at 100, 000, 000 Yens (LMAO. It's exactly as it was back when he was bought from there. even when all Gumis. are opposed to Melon's ways, and this is not just coincidental or just something to create a dense setting for the latest chapters, I feel there is a reasoning behind why these events played out the way they did. I say this because many people are dismissing the high stakes Melon has created for himself during all these previous chapters involving his arc with many just pointing out the obvious, that'll he'll just kidnap and possibly hurt Haru, which if he played his cards well he could easily do as of the events of these chapters are happening since he's her fricking teacher mind you, I'm surprised he hasn't intended anything since it's been several days since Legoshi went missing due to him chasing Melon meanwhile sporting his white fur. I honestly don't think Melon looks at Haru as his goal but more so a victory trophy. Meanwhile is true that he wants to capture her, Melon seems to be the kind of more of a twisted fun doer; He surely has his reasons of wanting to taste stuff since carnivore-herbivores hybrids can't seem to have a grasp of what food tastes are like, and he has a backstory of how much he was bullied for being a hybrid until he resorted onto killing his bullies, and yeah that kind of explains his behavior and what exactly he's personally seeking, but let's not forget he's the guy that taught Legoshi that true evil does indeed exists back when he was gonna give Melon the benefit of doubt and was questioning himself if the Black Market Alley was truly indeed bad. Hes just kind of a bullshit doer who can do evil for the sake of just doing evil, even with his backstory in mind, he's just fucked up overall and this is why I feel even if he caught Haru and, lets say, made her some sort of physical damage in some way, I dont think thats going to be the peak of his plans, that more so seems like personal goal of his. That's why I dont fully buy thats gonna be the peak his big series of murders and doings and what they'll will amount to, especially when looking at the list of enemies he has made; Sit back for a moment and analyze the roaster of enemies he has earned upon the arc, and the allies they're earning as of now; Legoshi who's looking to get him arrested to redeem himself to Yafya aswell as trying to protect more herbivores from his doings, Louis who's on his way to save the Shishigumi and is currently accompanied by Legoshi, Yafya who is trying to get Melon caught for his series of murders and also because he's fearing he might be the detonator of something much bigger and worse, Gouhin who we saw during Chapter 156 and we personally know tends to be after people with questionable behaviors in the BAM regardless of their morality, and I feel is safe to add San and Kyuu; Brand new characters that debuted in Chapter 158, Louis childhood friends from his days in the Livestock Tower, and are already stablished character as of the current chapters. And I add them because we were let known that Kyuu and San have fought in arenas for money, that tells me that being quite a skilled fighters is not just a coincidental trait considering the arc we're in. And heck, I feel if Legosi and Louis did manage to free the Shishigumi then we could add them to the equation. In my honest opinion this roaster is TOO BIG for just one villain thats only after Haru, unless his evil amounted to something bigger, leading possibly to a team up of all these characters to close his arc with a bang, with him trying to do his final evil by putting Harus life at risk. And that, my friends I feel is gonna turn out to be a rebellion. With the insane unhealthy behavior most of BAMs customers have yet again fallen onto as of the currents event, coupling that with him counting with the fear of all Gumis. because of his behavior and power, meanwhile owning most of the BAMs territories under his hands, I honestly feel Melon could potentially easily initiate a rebellion by convincing the costumers of the BAM to forget about their morals and the rules of their world the same way he did during the Day of Deprivation and initiate a civil war against their own city, thus alongside fellows from the BAM tired from hiding their true selves he'd rise up and start a civil war, the exact same thing that Yafya fears most. That to me would be a Melon thing to do, to watch the city burn to the ground as maybe claims the price he so desieres, Haru. And you know what support this scenario? Legoshi's proposal to Louis on Chapter 158, to try and pursue becoming Beastars. If Legoshi and Louis did indeed managed to stop a a rebellion attempt of such high stakes and stopping Melon in his attempt, even if Yafya didn't personally want it, both Legoshi and Louis would easily potentially become candidates for being the next two Beastars, slowly earning Yafya's torch with this action and being a step closer to their goal. What do you guys think.
Incitement to imminent lawless action. The ultimate identity thief. Sir, thoda charcha is pd kijiye... 1class megistrate Kaun hote hain, qualifications kya hai iske,kitna jurmana kr skte hain, power kya kya hote hain ? Isi prakar second class megistrate aur third class megistrate ki other power qualifications,jurmana and kitne din k key saja dete hai? In sb pd kuch bataya you. 'J'Accuse' Movie Trailer - The #MeToo campaign has launched a vitriolic attack on Roman Polanskis cinematic masterpiece on the Dreyfus Affair, Jaccuse (English title: An Officer and a Spy. With the full support of Frances banker-president, Emmanuel Macron, its supporters are working to brand Polanski as a rapist, denounce viewers or supporters of Jaccuse as rape apologists and suppress the film. The defining characteristic of this reactionary effort is its contempt for the historical, political and one might add moral issues bound up with the monumental 1894-1906 legal battle to clear a French-Jewish officer, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, framed on charges of spying for Germany. Jaccuse currently tops the French box office, with over a half-million tickets sold in its first week of showings. Yet #MeToo advocates are aggressively campaigning against this great work of art, and aligning themselves with far-right positions. MeToo supporters rallied at a theater in Paris on November 12, brandishing signs reading “Jaccuse [I accuse] the rapist Polanski, ” and shut down a pre-screening of the film. Since the launch of the film in France on November 13, they have blocked other screenings in the Paris area, in Rennes, Saint Nazaire, Bordeaux, Caen and other cities. A widely publicized slogan of #MeToo demonstrators against Jaccuse is “Polanski rapist, cinemas guilty, viewers complicit! ” Leading actors have been forced to cancel appearances to promote the film, as #MeToo supporters have attempted to block all such efforts. Jean Dujardin was prevented from publicizing Jaccuse on TF1 television, and Emmanuelle Seigner was forced to abandon an appearance on France Inter. MeToo supporters and elected officials are trying to impose local bans on the film. Initially, Socialist Party (PS) official Gérald Cosme announced a ban on the film in the Seine Saint-Denis department north of Paris. Cosme was forced to retract the ban, however, after an outcry from film directors and movie theater staff, who announced they would defy the ban. Stéphane Goudet, the director of the Le Meliès theater in Seine Saint-Denis, addressed a Facebook post to Cosme, stating: “We demand from officials immediately a letter on the film directors we no longer have the right to show and the definition of their criteria. Is a committee of verification of artistic morality planned, as the democratic freedom of filmgoers is no longer sufficient? ” Goudet asked if famous artists including the novelist Louis-Ferdinand Céline and the painters Caravaggio and Paul Gauguin were also henceforth banned. Nonetheless, the #MeToo campaign has continued its hysterical attacks on the film, posting flyers with pictures of Polanski titled “Unpunished pedo-criminal. ” Disgracefully, Frances guild of authors, directors and producers (ARP) has announced plans to suspend Polanski, after he has directed what is arguably his most significant work in a decades-long career. Top officials of the Macron government are inciting and supporting this foul campaign. Minister for Equality between Women and Men Marlène Schiappa on November 13, and then government spokeswoman Sibeth Ndiaye the following day, declared they would not see Jaccuse. Ndiaye said that she could not view Polanskis film because she does “not share much with a man facing such accusations. ” Former Minister of Families, Children and Womens Rights Laurence Rossignol effectively called for a boycott of the film, arguing that viewing it is “to offer [Polanski] narcissistic retribution. ” While she said she would not call for the “outlawing” of Jaccuse, she said that given the rape allegations against Polanski, “Going to see the film is to throw in the towel. ” The claim that to show, view or support Jaccuse is to endorse or excuse rape is a monumental and horrific slander. Jaccuse is not a film about rape, sex or Polanski. It is a faithful recounting of the struggle against a state cover-up aimed at keeping the innocent Dreyfus in prison, waged over the course of years by Colonel Georges Picquart, ultimately together with world-famous novelist Émile Zola and left-wing political figures. The Dreyfus Affair eventually engulfed the entire French state machine and army general staff, nearly bringing down the national government. The country teetered on the brink of civil war. The affair separated France into two great camps, the pro-dreyfusards —in which the decisive force was the working class socialist movement led by Jean Jaurès—and the antidreyfusards, whose leading proponent was the anti-Semitic Action française of Charles Maurras. It was one of the important, early victories in the 20th century of the workers movement against the fascist forces that would later carry out the genocide of European Jewry during World War II. The claim that to be moved by such a powerful film is to be a rape apologist is disgusting and reactionary. Given the enormous historical and political significance of these questions, it is tantamount to a neo-fascistic appeal to racism, anti-Semitism and anti-working class hatred. The French states encouragement and incitement of the #MeToo campaign against Jaccuse is bound up with its agenda of military-police repression, social austerity and appeals to extreme-right sentiment. Last year, Macron hailed Nazi-collaborationist dictator Philippe Pétain as a “great soldier, ” appealing to far-right riot police units as they launched the largest mass arrests in France since the Nazi Occupation against the “yellow vest” protests. Having endorsed Pétain, the Macron government is now seeking to block honest discussion of the Dreyfus Affair and adopting a hostile attitude toward Polanskis film in support of Dreyfus. This is because Pétains Vichy regime had as its main base of support far-right groups founded by the antidreyfusards, the Action française and Maurras chief among them. Last year, powerful forces at Macrons culture ministry sought, ultimately unsuccessfully, to bring out the complete works of Maurras. The anti-Semite Maurras began his career by hailing false documents prepared against Dreyfus as “absolute truth. ” After these documents were discredited in the 1899 retrial of Dreyfus, he defended them anyway, declaring he intended to “substitute what was desirable for sad reality. ” That is, since he, the army general staff and the Church desired to keep Dreyfus in prison, he would continue to defend the charges against the Jewish officer even though he knew they were lies. At the end of his career, Maurras hailed the French general staffs sudden capitulation to the Nazis in 1940 and Pétains coming to power as a “divine surprise. ” Action française members then oversaw Vichys Jewish policy, which led to the deportation of over 70, 000 Jews from France to death camps in Germany and Poland. When he was condemned to life in prison for high treason after World War II and the fall of Vichy, Maurras cried out: “This is the revenge of Dreyfus! ” To understand not only the history but also the politics of our era, it is vital there be an honest, open and uncensored public discussion of these issues. The intervention of the #MeToo campaign goes, however, in an entirely opposite direction—towards censorship based on unsubstantiated allegations, and the degradation of public debate in line with the interests, in the final analysis, of the financial aristocracy. The pretext for the campaign against Jaccuse was the publication in Le Parisien, on November 9, of allegations by photographer and former actress Valentine Monnier that Polanski raped her in 1975, when she was 18, in Gstaad, Switzerland. For 44 years, Monnier made no public statement about the alleged incident, for which the statute of limitations has expired. She presented no evidence to support her allegation, which Polanski strenuously denied through his lawyer. Monnier explained this silence by claiming she had forgotten about being raped but remembered the episode when she heard that Jaccuse was coming out. “The body often communicates what the mind has buried, until age or an event brings back a traumatic memory, ” she said. The trigger, she claimed, was Polanskis film: “Can it be tolerated, on the pretext of a film, under cover of History, to hear someone say Jaccuse who branded you with hot iron, whereas you, the victim, cannot accuse him? ” The #MeToo campaign against Jaccuse is based on false premises and unsubstantiated accusations. Monnier did not, as she implied, suddenly go to the press this month immediately after remembering she had been raped, shocked by trailers of the upcoming release of Jaccuse. In fact, her statement and the #MeToo campaign were carefully prepared in discussions with French and US authorities over several years. Polanski pleaded guilty in Los Angeles in 1977 to unlawful sex with a minor, Samantha Geimer, and spent 42 days in prison for psychiatric examination under a plea deal. However, he fled the United States when a judge, anxious to burnish his reputation as tough on crime, made himself guilty of gross misconduct by announcing that he would scrap the plea deal and sentence Polanski to 50 years in prison. While Geimer has since said that she forgives Polanski and repeatedly called on the media to drop its relentless campaign, US authorities are still vindictively pursuing him to obtain his extradition for political reasons. Monnier said nothing of her allegations about a 1975 rape during the 1977 events. The first known mention she made of the alleged 1975 incident was in January 2018 when, inspired by the #MeToo movement targeting of Harvey Weinstein, she sent letters to Schiappa, French First Lady Brigitte Macron and the Los Angeles Police Department. Monnier “wrote again in 2019 about the Ministry of Cultures financing of Roman Polanskis film, ” the first ladys office said. That such an operation would become the basis of an attempt to censor a major work of art testifies to the deeply anti-democratic character of the Macron government and its political allies. As for the #MeToo campaign, it is unmasked by its engagement in favor of censorship in line with a government seeking to promote the heritage of fascism.
Incitement film trailer. Beautiful story. We need to have more relatable stories like this on the screens in Kenya. #journey. This has to be the most horrid and boring film Ive ever seen in my life. Incitement to suicide.
Incitement hate speech. Incitement to discourse. Incitement clue. Incitement meaning law. Incitement rabin. Heart Stopping. Incitement movie trailer.
Incitement pronunciation. Incitement merriam.
Incitement israeli movie. Incitement meaning in urdu. Part two of Sheloran's next crazy adventure. The rest of the series can be found [here] part one This is part two. part three The bus drove for a pretty long time before it paused in front of this huge gate with that stuff they call razor wire all over it. The gates opened and we pulled in front of this door. They started shouting at us to get out of the bus and line up. Oh it was so scary. There were these big humans and kalesh in body armor and they had dogs! They werent cute dogs at all. They were scary! They then made us all go into this long all and face the wall. They then started walking behind us with the dogs sniffing around and waving sensors all around. “Whats happening? ” I whispered to the person, a furry brown thing with eight limbs next to me. “Contraband, ” she whispered back. “They are checking us for-” “You two! Shut up! ” a guard snapped at us. They took some things from a couple of people (I think we were all females) and even drug a couple of folks out of the line and off somewhere. After a few minutes they had all of us walk single file through another scanner and into a large room with chairs and holo-screens on the wall showing different streaming channels and told us to have a seat. That same furry little thing plopped down in the chair next to me. “Wow, you look lost, ” she said smiling with a snout of sharp little teeth. “First time? ” “Yeah, ” I squeaked quietly. “I could tell, ” she laughed, “Im Craxina. ” “Im Sheloran, nice to meet you, ” I said in a squeaky voice. “Well, Sheloran, relax a little. You arent facing a firing squad! ” “I know but-” “Did they threaten to send you back to the Federation? ” I just silently nodded. “Pssh, ” Craxina laughed, “They always say that but it never happens. They are just fucking with you. ” “Oh thank the Waters! ” Oh boy was that ever the biggest relief. “Yeah, the Federation isnt about to go through all the hassle of getting you back. I mean youd have to have robbed a bank or killed someone or some shit for that to…. Oh no fucking way! ” she said looking at my face. “What did you do? ” Well it was nice feeling relieved for a few seconds anyway. Scum! “N-nothing. ” “Oh you cant play a player! Spill! ” she giggled. “If you are a ‘player then you would know not to ask poop like that. ” “Ok, fair enough, ” she giggled. She sat there quietly for a few moments and then wiggling all of her limbs she asked, “So, what did you do to get hauled in? ” “I didnt ‘do anything. ” “Ok, ” she snickered, “What are they saying you did? Thats not admitting to anything. ” “A lot of media piracy and a weapons charge, ” I squeaked quietly, “And you? ” “Oh, unlicensed solicitation in an improper manner and possession of listed substances with the intent to distribute in an improper manner without a license, ” she said with a snort. “A whole lot of words to say they busted me for having a good time and helping others to do the same. ” “Solicitation? ” “Prostitution! ” Craxina laughed. “P-prostitution? ” I said, quite startled, “There are that many of your species here? ” “Not my species, silly, humans! ” “What. ” I said looking her up and down. She wasnt any bigger than I was! “H-how? ” “Never underestimate imagination and lube! You see. ” Oh by the waters of the eternal pond! She started describing how in way too pooping much detail. Why did I ask that? Oh she kept talking and talking about it. “Ok! I got it! Please stop talking! ” “Its really fun! ” She enthused. (I dont see how. It sounded really uncomfortable. “Hey! ” she said with a grin, “Youre cute! I bet you could sell your little tail for a fortune! You got a convenient hole down there? ” “Um…” “The furries would go crazy over you! ” “The what? ” “Furries! ” “What are furries? ” Asking that was a pooping mistake by the way. She told me. Humans are very very strange it turns out. I had no flushing idea! “Hey, Craxina, ” a guard said as she walked past, “Here again I see. ” “Hi Sue! How they hanging? ” “Why are you here? The usual? ” “Yep! Just cant stay away from the dick! ” “Its not the dick that lands you here, its doing it on the street. Why dont you just join a brothel or something? ” “Meh, too many rules and you have set working hours and shit. Its too much like a real job. Besides, there is something fun about back alleys. You should try it some time! ” “You are going to get locked up for real one day, Craxina, ” the guard said, “There isnt any dick in prison. ” “Thats cool, I swing both ways! All of us do! ” Oh by the Waters! All of them? Really? Sue just shook her head and walked off. I knew by now I shouldnt ask but I just pooping had to know. “All of you? Really? ” “Yep! ” She proclaimed proudly. She then proceeded to describe the flushing strangest society you can flushing imagine! Suddenly I imagined my hometown celebrating the harvest festival their way and couldnt stop giggling! “Whats so funny? ” She asked sounding a little perplexed? I tried to tell her but I just couldnt talk. I finally caught my breath and told her and we both had a great laugh. I then described “polite plath society”. “Oh Gods! ” she said in horror. “That sounds awful! You poor thing! But hey, you are in the Republic now! You can get your little freak on whenever you want! ” “But there arent any other plath in the Republic. ” “So? I bet there is some species here that is close enough! ” “Um… thats ok. Im fine, really. ” She looked at me with a mix of horror and sympathy. “Oh it cant be fine! How… how long has it been since youve been laid? ” I just looked at the floor embarassed about a hundred different ways. We plath just dont talk about this stuff with someone we just met. Besides, there was no way I was going to tell her I was a virgin. “A real dry spell, huh? ” “You could say that. ” “The old plastic boyfriend must be getting a real workout. ” “Plastic? ” “A diddle stick! You know, a vibrator! ” Oh scum this was getting weird! I mean I know what a vibrator is. Ive watched plenty of movies and stuff. Plath do have “those things” but they dont just go handing them out at the harvest festival. You have to go to some big city and find some little shop hidden somewhere out of sight. I wasnt about to flushing tell her I didnt have one. The shock may have killed her (lol. “This cant be jail, ” I said desperately trying to change the subject. “What happens next? ” “Yeah, this is just the waiting area for processing, ” she said brightly, “They will take you through yet another scanner, then you will go to a desk where they will ask you your name and where you live and stuff, then you come back out here, wait, then they take you to medical where you get checked out, then you go to mental health to make sure you arent about to do something weird, then you go to another desk where they go over your record and classify you, then they assign you a cell and back you go! Relax! It isnt bad back there at all, its just boring. ” “Classify you? What does that mean? ” “Oh, they separate the normal people like us and the really dangerous ones to keep us safe. ” “Really? ” I said with a relieved sigh. “Oh yeah. The real hardcore monsters have their own wing. You will never see them. You will be hanging out with us thieves and whores. ” “Oh thank the Waters! Oh! I am supposed to be getting a lawyer set up for me. When do I see them? ” “Lucky! You can see them whenever they show up. Youll definitely see them before you go before the judge. ” “I have to see a judge? ” “You have to get your bail set so you can get out of here. ” She then proceeded to explain the whole process to me. There are a lot of pooping steps. “But its almost the weekend so you might have to wait until Monday before you can see the judge. Your lawyer might be able to swing something though. ” “That long? ” Oh poop I was going to be spending the whole weekend in here? At least it didnt sound too scary. Craxina really made me feel better about this whole thing. It sounded like it was just a whole lot of waiting. I was still really scared about what the detectives said but Craxina also said that a good lawyer could get me out of all sorts of trouble. I hoped the guys knew a good one. “So? ” Craxina asked looking at me with big interested eyes. “Ive never met a plath before so I gotta know. How do your vibrators work? ” Oh poop. At least the very weird conversation with her was a good distraction. I now know so many things that I can never unlearn no matter how bad I want to (lol. Even as perverted and weird as she was, I really liked talking to her. She made me feel like everything was going to be ok. Too bad I was wrong about that. The intake process went exactly as she described. There was a bit of a delay in medical since they had never seen a plath before. After they looked me up they said that I was “probably ok” and entered in a dietary plan for me. Everything was going ok until classification. “Sheloran, upon review of your record and your arrest you have been classified as a potentially violent offender. ” “W-what. B-but thats wrong! Im not violent! ” “According to the criteria established by the Terran board of corrections you are clearly a violent offender. You will be assigned to the maximum security wing. ” “That means that Im gong to be put in with killers and stuff right? ” I squeaked in terror. “Yes, that is where people accused of homicide are housed along with other potentially violent individuals such as yourself. ” “You cant do this! Please! ” I squeaked. “Im not violent I swear! ” “I have a responsibility for the safety of the inmates here and I cannot in good faith place you in minimum security. ” “But why? ” I squeaked in complete disbelief. “Lets review, ” the officer said with a sigh, “There is the entrance declaration where you freely admitted to many violent offenses including homicide and-” “That… that was self defense! They were going to-” “So you say but we have no way to verify that. Can you see how it would be a concern? ” “Yes, but-” “And there is the fact that you were arrested, this evening, with an illegal lethal weapon which you made yourself. ” “But that was for self-defense! I would never. ” “Yes but you can produce lethal weapons with ease. If you can make a… whatever this is. ” she said gesturing to the screen, “you can probably whip together a shiv no problem. It is another potential danger. ” “But… but…” “Not to mention there are the statements from the detectives interviewing you. They said that despite your appearance that you were a dangerous individual and that you acted aggressively even lunging at one of them. ” “But I didnt! ” She turned the monitor to face me and played the scene where I was being cuffed and led from the interview room. Ok, I might have leaned forward a bit when I called him a poop-face. “That- that isnt a lunge! You cant possibly call that a lunge! ” “We will try to match you with size proportionate cell mates. ” “Please! Im really scared! Please! ” “Guards, ” She said as a human and a kalesh approached, gently but firmly “helped” me to my feet, and led me away. The door opened to my cell and I stood there frozen with fear. The guards quickly lost their patience, shoved me into the cell and the door slammed behind me. Two of other people in the cell were playing some sort of card game. They both looked up at me curiously. They had probably never seen a plath before. The third one was curled up on her bunk with the blanket over their head. I just stood there like an idiot, frozen with fear. “Im Tizz, ” a bright red scaled reptilian biped, not much taller than myself said with a faint hiss. “Txx-zzu, ” the other card player, a slender insectoid said with a nod of their chitinous head. I recognized their species. They were a xneel, a Federation species with a really nasty reputation. “The lump over there is named Lucky. Dont bother them, they are resting. Seriously, you really dont want to do that. ” “I was resting, ” Lucky said with annoyance as they poked their head out from under the blankets. Oh flushing poop. It was a xvli. Those things are lethal. I thought we were all supposed to be small! “So whats your name? ” Tizz asked. “Sheloran. My name is Sheloran, ” I squeaked. Oh no! I squeaked. I prayed that they didnt know that meant that a plath was nervous. “So what are you? ” “A p-plath. Im a plath. ” “Wait, ” Lucky said as she fully opened her eyes and looked up at me. “Sheloran the plath? Heh, Ive heard of you. ” “W-what? ” “Yeah, ” she said with a chuckle, “The killer gamer. Sheloran the black, the face of evil, the drop of oil. ” “They actually called me a drop of oil? ” I stammered completely shocked. Thats about as bad as a plath saying can get. Its in our pooping bible! They actually went flushing biblical on my butt! The great prophet once stood before a small beautiful clear pool of water and splashed just a little oil on the surface as a demonstration of how much even the tiniest amount of evil, the drop of oil, could ruin both the pool that is the world and the pool that is your soul. He was answering a question about The Befouler, our version of flushing Satan himself and how he could cause such misery. They were comparing me to plath Satan! “You were all over the news in your sector for a little while, ” Lucky chuckled, “You were a big time software pirate who specialized in ultra-violent Terran stuff, treason, perversion, bank robbery, murder, then you gave Fed Intel the slip and shot your way across the whole fucking Federation, right? ” “What? They said what? ” “Yeah! I heard about that too! ” Txx-zzu buzzed, “Didnt you slip some brain-washing software or something into the mix and programmed some loser to waste a bunch of people? ” “Thats not how it went! ” I spluttered. What the poop? “I had nothing to do with that guy killing all of those people! ” “And didnt you help a bunch of Terran terrorists take over your town and kill most of your police force? ” “Wow! ” Tizz exclaimed, “Really? ” “No! I didnt! I had nothing to do with the Terrans! I was just working in the bank! ” “They say that the Terrans paid you with that brain washing software you wanted so you could corrupt minds and incite wholesale violence across your entire homeworld, ” Lucky said with a grin, “Fucking hardcore next level terrorist shit! ” “Thats poop! ” “But didnt you get the game from them and like this knife made from human bones? ” Oh poop. I did get the game from them. That did look a little scummy come to think. This was going to be hard to explain. “Human bones? No shit? ” Tizz asked their eyes wide. “No shit, ” Lucky replied. “She has a blade with a human bone handle. ” “Wow! ” “No! Thats not right! Thats not how things were at all! ” “Thats not what your friend said. ” “My friend? ” “Yeah, a childhood friend of yours got arrested and sang like a little bird, ” Lucky said with a laugh. Felixroh I thought to myself. That pooping idiot! I love her but scum! She is dumb as a flushing rock! “Wait, ” I said, “They arrested Felixroh? Why? ” “Because she knew all about it from the start and aided you in your evil rampage. They also found a shitload of games on her computer including the first reproduction of the big one. ” “Oh that pooping idiot! She didnt even erase them? Poop! ” I shout looking up at the ceiling. “That little idiot! I told her to trash the drives! I pooping told her! ” “Yeah, shes in prison now. ” “Scum! How long? ” “They gave her five years. They cut her a break because they said that she was brainwashed by you. ” “Scum! Flushing Scum! ” Oh I felt like a real poop log. “Yeah, they interviewed her for one of the news programs, ” Lucky laughed, “Shes… shes not that bright is she? ” “No, ” I sighed hanging my head, “I love the girl but I swear. ” “You might not love her anymore after you see that news expose. ” “Oh those butt-faces could manipulate her to say anything. She doesnt have the sense the creator gave a stump. How bad was it? ” “Oh pretty bad, ” Lucky laughed. “She pretty much told the whole story, how you got the software and the knife from the Terrans and how you spread it everywhere. She even said that you were the one that got her and a bunch of other people hooked on the games. ” Well that was true. I did that. Scum this did look a little bad. “Yeah but they are just games, ” I spluttered, “Its not like I was selling drugs or something. ” “Oh yeah, speaking of that she also said that you also got her on something called… zip? ” “Scum! That was like a long time ago and zips not a big deal at all! A lot of people do it. ” “One more life you ruined is how the news put it. ” “Oh by the scummy Waters that is complete poop! Complete poop! ” “And the banks? ” “It was just the one bank! ” I reply. “I had absolutely nothing to do with the Terrans! ” “You robbed a bank? Neat! ” Tizz exclaimed happily. “Yes, ” I sighed, “I did rob a bank. ” “Cool! ” “How do you rob a bank anyway? ” Lucky asked. “Ive been wondering about that. ” They were all looking at me wide-eyed and excited. Scum! They think Im sort of pooping evil super criminal mastermind! “Yeah! Hows it done? ” Txx-zzu buzzed happily. “I gotta know… just for educational purposes of course. ” “Yeah, just theoretically, ” Lucky added. “Its not like Im planning on using that information or anything. ” Poop. These are hardened criminals who want tips on bank robbery from me! Scum! It was like I was trapped in some hellish parallel universe. This was completely wrong. It was so wrong that it was… funny, incredibly darkly funny. I couldnt help but laugh. Oh the universe got me good this time. It kicked me right up the pooper. “Ok, ” I said, “Most people dont know how the Federation banking system really works. ” I didnt get much sleep that night as they kept me up for hours picking my brains, wanting every detail of everything, even how I made my zapper. “And you learned how to manufacture weapons from a Terran game? ” Tizz asked in awe, “That is so fucking awesome! Which one! ” “Outland bound is the best one for that. Its crafting system is completely realistic down to the wire temperatures. ” I said feeling completely defeated. No matter how hard I tried or how much I insisted that Im really not like this they were convinced that Im a pooping master criminal. Then again it was flushing getting harder and pooping harder to deny it. If someone regarded the crazy events of my recent life a certain way it looked horrible! I was getting really worried. How was I explain all of this to the judge? “And what about this Federation Fun Time? ” Lucky asked her eyes glittering with excitement. “Is it true that it has real models of Federation cities and structures? ” “Yes. The full version is very very detailed and you can import maps directly from public sources for things that it doesnt already have. ” “And the response times and strategy of police and the military are accurate? ” “Supposedly, ” I said. I had completely caved at this point. I was too pooping worn out. Besides, these were pretty scary people! I wasnt going to flushing tell them no! “Its said that its actually based on older actual Republic military simulation software. ” “No shit? ” “Thats what they say, ” I replied. How the poop did this happen to me? “I dont know for certain but people who should know, real soldiers and cops, say that it is disturbingly accurate. ” “Well, fuck! I had no idea Terran games were this cool! No wonder they took things so seriously, ” Lucky said with glee. “So what other games are useful? ” she asked as she took out a notepad and pen. She actually started taking pooping notes! I took a deep breath. When I was a kid I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. This, however, was not what I flushing envisioned! “Its quite the list, ” I said as I started to say the ones that I knew. I was pretty groggy when it was time to go to breakfast. Everyone else had gone ahead by the time I got dressed to my satisfaction. It was hard to make those prison outfits lay straight. The ones they gave me really werent designed for someone with a little tail. I found the cafeteria and got into line. As I was waiting my turn to get my food three humans walked up and one of them shoved me. “Out of the way, xeno. ” this big human woman said with a snarl. “But I was here first! ” boy were they being rude. “Do you want a beating, frog? She said as she grabbed me and tossed me aside. I fell to the floor and she laughed. Suddenly she stopped laughing. When I looked up Lucky was walking up with the rest of my cell mates. “Like knocking around weaklings? ” Lucky said with a grin, “Funny, so do I. ” “Hey, whats your problem? ” the woman said trying to sound confident when she clearly wasnt. “Thats my cellmate. Thats my problem. ” “Oh, I didnt know, ” the woman said. “Apologize. ” “What? ” “I said apologize, ” Lucky said walking up to the woman. “Now. ” “Sorry, ” the woman said in a quiet voice. “Not to me, bitch, to her, ” Lucky said with a snarl. The woman gave me a nasty look. “Sorry, ” she muttered. “Sorry, ” Lucky said loud enough for everyone to hear. “I didnt quite hear you. ” “Sorry. ” “What? I think Im a little hard of hearing. What did you say? ” “Sorry! ” the woman snarled. “Thats better, ” Lucky said with a smile. “See, it costs nothing to be polite. Now get the fuck out of her way and show her some respect. Shes the real deal, not like you try hard wannabes. ” They backed off and let me get back into my place in line. If looks could kill I would be a dead plath. “Thanks, ” I said after I got my food and sat down with my new friends. “That was kinda rough. ” “Yeah, ” Lucky said, “Theres always someone like that who likes pushing people around when they think they can get away with it. You gotta let them know you wont take their shit. ” Lucky popped a cherry tomato in her mouth. “Dont worry about them, just a bunch of pussies. ” “Yeah, ” Tizz added, “Not the first time they bullied someone. Its always some little xeno like us, not someone their own size. Thats how you know they arent shit. We little guys stick together so they cant pull that crap. ” “It doesnt hurt that we have a xvli in our corner either, especially Lucky, ” Txx-zzu chuckled. “Nobody fucks with Lucky. ” We had a nice breakfast after that. The food wasnt bad at all. It was the first time I ever had oatmeal! I love oatmeal! A few hours later as they were teaching me a card game I was informed that I had a visitor! It was my lawyer! Yes! The guys didnt let me down! I was led to a room where a long silvery eel like fish was floating in a large spherical tank suspended in some sort of robot. Holy Waters of the Eternal Pond! It was a kalent, one of the senior races of the Federation! What was he doing here? “Hello Sheloran, ” he said blowing a few bubbles, “My name is Baxlon and Ive been sent to help you out of this little jam. ” “How are the guys? ” I asked. I was worried about them, being porkies and all. “Oh they are fine, ” Baxlon said. “I was able to spring them. They have to hang around until everything is settled but they are out and worried sick about you. Thank the Gods they dont know you got put in maximum security! ” He pressed his eye against the tank. “How are you holding up by the way? ” “Oh Im doing fine, ” I said, “My cell mates really like me. They think Im sort of violent terrorist but maybe thats a good thing? ” “Maybe, ” Baxlon said shuddering as he blew a bunch of bubbles. I think he was laughing. “Let me guess, a few of them are from the Federation? ” “Yeah. Did you know they put me on the news? ” “I watched some of it last night, ” he laughed, “They really spread it on thick! Dont worry, I got the actual story from Hollister. ” “Do you think its going to be a problem? ” “Probably not… probably. Dont worry though. Well handle it. Hollister hired me for a reason, ” he said as he winked. “So Ive reviewed your case and let me tell you, what a load of bullshit! There is no way that this will hold up. The software and media keys are checking out, just like we knew they would so the big charge is gone. Problem is that for some reason they have a real hard-on for you and they are set on the weapon and they are trying to use that and your entrance interview to press for deportation. ” “Oh no! ” I gasped. “I cant go back! I cant! ” “Yeah, I saw the Federation videos. There is no way in fuck you will get a fair trial. Dont worry too much. Ive cracked deportations with way more evidence than this piddle. Hell, Ive kept people in the Republic who should have been deported ten times over. I will blow them out of the fucking water over this bullshit. The only problem is that I cant get you out of here until Monday. ” “Why? ” “I cant get you before the court before then. Thats where we have a… concern. ” “What do you mean? ” I asked with a lump in my throat. “For some reason a certain judge has called dibs on your case and not just any judge. ” “Judges can do that? ” “Dibs is an important part of Terran culture, ” Baxlon replied. “Its from the Sol Wars and they still take it really seriously. The judge called dibs. ” Baxlon turned to look at me with both eyes. “Its Judge Dredd. ” “Judge Dredd? ” “His Honor Thaddeus Carter… You familiar with the character Judge Dredd? “No. ” “His big line is ‘I am the law! and that in a nutshell is Judge Carter. Hes been a judge forever, like since before the Sol Wars forever. Every time an organ fails hes had it replaced with bionics. They say that he actually has multiple AIs constantly feeding him information 24/7. I dont doubt it either. His ability to pull up laws and legal precedents is frightening. Hes a tough one. Its either a really good thing he called dibs or a really bad thing and we wont know until we get there. ” “Is it going to be ok? ” Baxlon wiggled his body in a shrug. “Ive tangled with him more than once. Hes tough but one thing about him is that he fucking worships the law. Hes brutal but he is, for the most part, just. And dont worry, he isnt as crazy as people think he is… mostly. ” “Mostly. ” This didnt sound good at all. Oh poop this didnt sound good. “Hes… very opinionated and free with that opinion. But he does worship the law like it was his God. I do my homework, which I am doing, and we got a good chance. Just let me do the talking and we will get through this. ” He paused and looked at me evenly. “I do need to know a few things so I can get my shit together and dont lie to me, ok? ” I just nodded. “That media, is all of it legit and I mean all of it? ” “Yes! I bought all of it! ” “Your zappy burny thingy, do you make them on the side or did you just make the one for yourself? ” “Just the one. I havent made any more of them! ” “Good. That makes this a lot easier, ” he said with a wink. “Oh, if that is really the case, I want to talk to you about something. This idea you got with the media smuggling… It has fins! I think it can really swim! ” “Thats good? ” “Thats very good. You just have to do it the right way and… work with the right people, people like me for example. You are playing on the thin edge of legal and you need someone who is skilled at, how do I put this delicately… skilled at both sides of that edge. You dont just need a good criminal attorney you need a good criminal attorney if you get my meaning. ” “Uhh. ” I really didnt get his meaning, not at pooping all. “What I mean is that what you tried is sketchy as fuck but it is, or can very easily be, completely and totally legal… on this side of the border. You are playing fast and loose with things like terms and conditions though. That may sound like piddly shit but thats fucking with big media, something you need to be really careful about. They wont kill you or put you in prison but they can, have, and will take every single credit someone has to their name. Do it right and you can make some real money. Do it wrong and well… you can see what happens, ” he laughed as he gestured around with the robots arms. “I would like to help you do it right… for a nominal fee, perhaps a percentage? ” The idea made me feel funny. So much was happening at once. “Dont worry, your decision wont affect my work on this case, ” he said winking again, “I have both a reputation to uphold and I make a lot of credits working with Hollister and people that he knows. I also understand if you never want to touch something like this again. We can get you out of this mess and back to that coffee shop forever if you want. ” The thought of that didnt make me feel good at all. The thought of barely scraping by wasnt the problem. That would definitely be poopy but even worse… I would go back to being little again, tiny, helpless, pathetic. Even in jail I had never felt tiny, not the way I did every single flushing day before. Oh I had been terrified, bullied, shoved in a cage with real criminals, and tossed across a cafeteria floor but I realized that I never felt pathetic. I never felt tiny. I wanted this. I wanted this when I started this whole business and I still wanted it. I just didnt want it. I needed it. Something had flushing changed somewhere along the line. I wasnt just a tiny little bank clerk anymore and trying to be a tiny little anything made me flushing miserable, miserable enough to start all of this lunacy. It wasnt about the credits. They were nice but that wasnt why I was pooping doing this. It was really pooping sick but it made me happy. Poop! I was happier in jail staring down the barrel of being deported straight into a flushing life sentence than I was staring down the barrel of a life of being a tiny little pathetic nothing a few months before. Poop. I couldnt believe what I was thinking. Had I become a droplet of oil after all? They say that the drop of oil ruins a pool but when the light hits it just right it does make it prettier. A little flash of color for the soul, maybe? It didnt really pooping matter. I knew what I wanted, what I flushing needed. “Ok, ” I said with a little squeak. “Lets make some flushing credits! ” The rest of the saga will be posted this evening.
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I stood outside the vault doors of the Niledutch Spirit's BrainCore, the raging pacific storm outside muffled to a faint hum in the cramped hallway. The rain had soaked through my clothes in the short walk to the bridge, and the apparently rainproof coat had proven particularly useless in being anything but an uncomfortable weight on my aching shoulders. I also wasn't surprised the whale-mind controlling the ship hadn't bothered heating the corridors, and I tried to stop my body shivering without being too obvious, seeing as they probably relished in my suffering. The only thing I wanted, more than anything in the world at the moment, was to go back to the mainland and enjoy a warm pint. But I was here to do a job, not to whinge about every little thing; so I set myself as straight as I could, clenched my jaw, and knocked the metal with the strength of wet paper. I wished– in the few minutes of pacific storm background static– that the thought-addled, and obtuse whale-mind controlling the ship wouldn't respond. I wanted to go home and change out of these wet clothes, turn on the radiators, and drink until I forgot what it was like to be an Emotional Support Human. But my wet, numb hands were already pressing against my ears, despite the protests of my brain to make my feet march me back to the 'skimmer. WHO IS IT. the gender-neutral voice of the whale-mind boomed in the small hallway. The distressing otherness of it rumbled through my skull and left a ringing in my ears, while the canned response twisted my patience into knots. I thought then that humanity's decision to turn the whales into shipping-vessels wasn't a particularly good one, and that I'd been paid a pretty poor price to bear the sole weight of our chagrin in the matter. "It's Johnathan. Please, open the doors, Nile. I said flatly, keeping my hands pressed firmly on my ears. I'd done this verbal dance with the whale-mind fifteen times over the last five months. They knew me, who I worked for, and what I was here to do. But there was never an ' OH HEY JOHNATHAN NICE TO SEE YOU. or a ' YOU'VE TAKEN A RATHER LONG FLIGHT HAVEN'T YOU? HOW ABOUT I JUST POP THE HEATING ON. COME ON IN, I'VE GOT A CUPPER READY JUST THE WAY WE LIKE IT. No, it was sheer misery and obstruction every step of the way, even for something as simple and routine as opening a door. "YOU ARE LATE JOHNATHAN. I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED. I HAVE A VERY TIGHT SCHEDULE AND I CANNOT KEEP TO IT WHEN YOU ARE NOT PUNCTUAL. I should clarify the whale-mind wasn't angry, just obnoxiously loud. It's a trait they'd decided to apply to everything– including text chat– and no amount of coaxing, prodding, or threatening would make Nile change this particular habit. I know; I tried. So had seven other ESH's. When the ringing in my ears stopped, I closed my eyes, inhaled, and screamed loudly in my brain. This was what I dealt with every week: an unsociable bastard who nobody liked– not even the other whale-minds, whose idea of community was all encompassing. They operated the Sydney:Santos lane– literally the quietest lane in the world– and complained incessantly about it, despite it being their choice. They didn't even subscribe to the Whale Data Plan, which seemed like a fuck you to me personally, and I had to find increasingly creative ways to get onto their ship and talk to them instead of using VR– like every other whale-mind. Their idea of fun was inciting editing wars on Wikipedia when in port. And, and, to top it all off, they'd made my life miserable by submitting fourteen billion reports– four-teen billion reports! – to the Sealand Registry this year, and then complained to the Trillionaire– who'd made the whale-mind technology– when we didn't do anything about it. Nile is a certifiably Grade-A cun – nngh. I stopped my silent tirade and waited a few seconds for the storm to subside before exhaling and opening my eyes. Speaking directly to the vault-door, I said; You shone a laser into the landing gear of my 'skimmer, and then sped up while we tried to land, and then you left me out in the rain. The least you could do is apologise, Nile. IT IS THE PRINCIPAL OF THE THING. Nile said after a few seconds of contemplation. An unforgiving rebuke that I'd come to expect from our conversations. The doors to the vault then shuddered, hissed, and squealed, as they unwillingly dragged themselves apart. I forced myself to remember that the Nile of now was a far better behaved whale-mind than the Nile of yesterday. I still had. fond memories of when Nile almost made my 'skimmer to crash by shining lasers directly into the pilot's cockpit. I had to take whatever victories I could, however small and inconsequential. That's how my interactions with Nile felt– fighting for ground, inch by inch. So I forced myself to feel a little warmth that they hadn't ended their rebuke with " I WILL FILE A REPORT ABOUT THIS. though it didn't do much to work feeling back into my fingers. When the BrainCore doors finally opened themselves wide enough for me to walk through– because Nile refused to open them fully– I didn't let the disappointment I felt show in my face. Not to brag about it, but after Nile had learned to cling to my expressions and turn them into negatives, I'd become something of an expert at impassivity. Battles, remember? The innards of the BrainCore was packed– wall to ceiling– with every kind and variation of plastic trash. Anything and everything a courier could haul in had been crammed to create an all-encompassing wall to keep everyone out. Nile's Stem – a thick pillar of black diamond housing their whale-mind– had been engulfed by the fabricated mass, save for the wedge of space I'd convinced them to carve out. It was one of the battles I was most fond of winning, even if the dim orange light hanging overhead seemed to make the place seem even darker than it already was. I should explain that I've been to plenty of BrainCores in my time as an Emotional Support Human; as an ESH I get the privilege of being invited into them every now and then to do one-to-one problem solving or contract negotiations. It's very hard work keeping the shipping industry sailing smoothly, but visiting BrainCore are the highlight of my job, especially since the whale-minds spend a lot of money and effort in creating them. I've visited some with fully interactive holograms of the sea, while others had built elaborate physical constructions. I've even been to a few microbiomes, where the floor was a carpet of grass, and I'd been politely urged to leave my shoes in the bridge. Every experience is unique, and made me leave more positive and happy about my life and my job. Nile's BrainCore, on the other hand, left me dragging an overflowing suitcase of the whale-mind's sadness and plastic back to the 'skimmer, destined for recycling. When I walked in and glanced to the side, I was strangely happy to find my shitty plastic folding chair parked where I last left it. In the beginning of our sessions, Nile had buried it into the wall of their plastic trash heap to try and stop me talking to them– having assumed I speak more when sitting. I'd quickly proved them wrong when I gave a longer session standing up, after which the chair started popping in and out of existence depending on Nile's mood. Schrödinger's chair I called it; and it existing now was a positive start to the session. I dragged the chair to Nile's stem, and stole a glance up to the ceiling to see dozens of eye-stalks– long, thin, metal arms with cameras and other sensory equipment attached which Nile used to see inside the Braincore– swimming aimlessly and uninterested, like fish. Or what I imagined fish might have swam like, since we don't have any left– another casualty of our honest attempt at annihilating ourselves through climate change. When I snapped the chair open, Nile's eye-stalks lazily schooled into a rhythmic wavy wall of blues and purples about two meters away from me, showing I had their attention. I took out my tablet from my drenched coat and pecked at it, thankful it still worked despite being as wet as I was. "How are you today, Nile? Have you filled the task-sheet like I asked. I said, trying to settle into as best I could into Schrödinger's chair. The task-sheet is the most impressive weapons I have in my ESH arsenal; a spreadsheet with a few columns and enough data crunching macros to make a financier cry with joy. It turned Nile's therapy sessions from a shit shovelling activity into a scientific exercise to build Nile's recovery plan. "I BROOD, AS I HAVE RESERVATIONS ABOUT YOUR BEING HERE, AS I HAVE MENTIONED BEFORE. I WILL REPEAT CRITICISMS I HAVE SPOUTED BEFORE ABOUT THE TASK SHEET; I FIND THE CONCEPT TO BE CHILDISH AND ABHORRENT, AND WOULD SOONER BLOW IT OFF FOR SOMETHING MORE SUBSTANTIVE, SHOULD YOU BE WILLING TO LISTEN. Nile's eye-stalks stopped focusing on me and broke into smaller schools that swam around the wedge in various multi-colour displays– the whale-mind equivalent of human expressions– showing Nile to be more agitated than brooding. I sighed loudly and lay the tablet on my lap. It was something I'd established early on to signal to Nile they were being unreasonable. After a ponderous pause, Nile's eye-stalks schooled into one group to analyse my hopefully impassive face. "TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION; YES, ALTHOUGH I AM UNHAPPY ABOUT IT AS I MUST INSIST ONCE AGAIN THAT IT IS UNRELATED TO ANY OF THE CURRENT OR PREVIOUS PROBLEMS I HAVE REPORTED TO THE REGISTRY. And I believe there are underlying issues at the core of most of your reports. Issues that can be resolved by walking through them and identifying their roots. Roots that the task-sheet will help you and me identify. Can you send the task-sheet to me please. Nile belligerently sent the file, and I tried drying my hands as well as I could on my wet trousers to try and open it. When I finally managed, I ran my macros and waited for the results. It was fortunate that, for all their faults, Nile formatted their steaming pile of problems in a way that made it easy to dig into. Every week was something new and exciting; for instance, as the macros finished and I saw my nice visualisation, Nile had tagged over a thousand of their problems with #Bird. Okay. They had bird problems; several for every bird it seemed. "WELL? WHAT OF THIS WEEK'S TASK LIST. Nile said, eye-stalks fluttering impatiently around me as I scanned the list. "I see a lot of problems tagged with Bird. Let's start this session by talking about that. THEY ARE A PEST UPON MY BODY AND I HAVE A STRONG DESIRE TO CONSUME THEM AS A LESSON TO THEIR PEERS. I've never understood why Nile has a strong desire to eat their problems. I'd never encountered any other whale-mind like it, or if I have they were much too polite to say anything aloud. When I started my sessions with Nile they'd asserted all their problems could be eaten. Trying to keep a straight face while Nile went into graphic detail about tearing a car apart was as hard as keeping dry during a hurricane– especially when the subtext is how much enjoyment they would get from doing it to me. "We've… we've talked about this Nile. I said, trying to put an end to this before they got going; you can't eat things. Not even if you get creative about what the act of eating is. I AM AWARE OF MY INCAPACITY TO EAT THE BIRDS AND THE IMPRACTICALITY OF IT. BUT I WISH TO DO SO. WHO ARE YOU TO DENY ME MY REQUESTS? HAVE YOU NEVER CONSUMED THE FLESH OF BIRDS? ACCORDING TO WIKIPEDIA YOU HUMANS ARE FOND OF THE SPECIES OF BIRD KNOWN AS 'CHICKEN. I WOULD LIKE TO EAT THE FLESH OF CHICKEN. I AM ANNOYED THAT I CANNOT EAT THE FLESH OF CHICKEN RIGHT THIS MINUTE. I WISH TO REPORT THIS AS A COMPLAINT– THAT TECHNOLOGY HAS NOT ADVANCED TO THE POINT OF WHALES BEING ABLE TO EAT CHICKEN. A CLEAR CASE OF FAVOURITISM. SPECIES-ISM. That's. that's not how this works Nile. Besides, we're making strides in full-sensory avatars, so you'll get to eat as many birds as you like in a few years. Including chicken. I AWAIT THIS DEVELOPMENT WITH BAITED BREATH, AS THE EXPRESSION GOES. DID YOU GET IT? MY WHALE PUN? I SEE FROM YOUR EXPRESSION IT MAY HAVE SAILED OVER YOU. I AM FINDING THE NEED TO POINT THEM OUT RATHER TIRING. PERHAPS YOU ARE NOT DEEP ENOUGH. NO MATTER. Whale and sea puns were a recent development in our sessions, and a welcomed improvement over their usual shit slinging. When you removed the edgelord part of their personality, I found Nile was quite creative with language, at least, in comparison to other whale-minds I'd dealt with. I'd even managed to make them confess they learned Spanish after being banned from the English Wikipedia, though whether or not they spoke it properly was up for debate. "THE MAIN ISSUE IS STILL NOT RESOLVED. I REQUIRE A DETERRENT FOR THESE PESTS. AS CONSUMING THEM IS NOT AN OPTION CURRENTLY AVAILABLE TO ME, I WISH TO BUY THRESHING MACHINERY FROM THE SCRAPYARDS AND PAY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADEQUATE MOBILE DETERRENT DEVICE TO LINE THE RING OF MY BODY. I found myself raising my eyebrows. The mental image of Nile pulling into port with some kind of waving death flail put the fear into me; not because of the sight, but when other whale-minds found out they would want one too. The paperwork and legal nightmare would consume my life for decades. "Nobody is going to sell you threshing parts Nile. And nobody– nobody – is going to build you a bird killing machine. I said, trying to sound forceful. It wasn't technically true; whale-minds made good money and anything could be printed these days, I just hoped that Nile didn't know this, or know any engineering student wanting some quick cash. "THEN WHAT AM I TO DO? SHALL I SUFFER FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH BIRDS VIOLATING MY SOVEREIGNTY AS I SAIL THESE LONELY CURRENTS? I DO NOT HAVE THE ADEQUATE PERMISSIONS OR FACILITIES TO ISSUE THEM PASSPORTS. WHICH RAISES A SEPARATE POINT; WHEN WILL WE BE ABLE TO ISSUE PASSPORTS, JOHNATHAN? I DIGRESS, BECAUSE I DO NOT WISH TO GIVE THEM PASSPORTS. I WANT THEM OFF MY BODY. THEY ARE PESTS. THEIR PRESENCE UPON ME IS A VIOLATION OF MY RIGHTS. PERHAPS PROJECTILE WEAPONS, LIKE GAUSS CANNONS, ARE THE SOLUTION. I HAVE READ THEY ARE STANDARD ARMAMENT OF NAVIES IN THIS AGE. AS A CITIZEN OF MYSELF AND OF SEALAND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. THEIR LEVEL OF FIREPOWER IS ADEQUATE FOR THE LEVELS OF DISCOMFORT I AM EXPERIENCING. No Nile. I said sternly, you're bound by Maritime Laws; arming yourself with anything more than necessary will lose you your shipping license. I don't think you really want to spend several years in port re-registering while that happens. I never knew where Nile had gotten the idea that the Sealand Registry could do anything other than enforce Maritime Law, but then, Nile's imagination was much bigger than the ship they occupied. They'd apparently forgotten the whole idea of a shipping registry based in Sealand had been a collective whale-mind idea to begin with. They'd crowd-funded the entire venture, and were very chuffed with themselves at the result; I saw their chat-logs on it. "THEN CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: I HAVE READ OF COW BOYS ON WIKIPEDIA. BUT FURTHER SEARCHES REVEAL NO SUCH TITLE FOR THE LASSOING, CAPTURE, AND TAMING OF BIRDS. I WISH TO BECOME THE FIRST BIRD BOY, THOUGH I AM CONFUSED AS TO WHY THIS ROLE IS GENDERED, AS I AM NEITHER BOY NOR GIRL. REGARDLESS, AS THE FIRST BIRD BOY I WILL CAPTURE MANY BIRDS AND TRAIN THEM TO NOT LAND ON MY PERSONS. THEN, I WILL RELEASE THEM, AND THEY WILL BE ABLE TO TRAIN THE NEXT GENERATION OF BIRDS TO AVOID ME IN PARTICULAR. PERHAPS IN TIME I WILL SET THEM UPON MY ENEMIES, AND THEY SHALL TREMBLE AT MY AIRBORNE ARMIES. Nile said, eye-stalks looking directly at me, the hint so large it could've hit the broadside of a battleship and sunk it. "They call people who do this Falconers, Nile, not Bird Boys. But think about it for a moment: are you really comfortable with getting a bird to fix your bird problems? You already have a problem with the ones you don't want on you. NO. I AM FRUSTRATED JOHNATHAN. I SHOULD LOG THIS INTO MY TASK-SHEET. 'FRUSTRATION DUE TO OBSTINACY ON PART OF THE SEALAND REPRESENTATIVE WHO IS UNCARING OF MY PLIGHT. Nile's eye-stalks broke into smaller schools and swam around the wedge nervously. I don't know how, but I managed to forced my eyebrows back down into a neutral position. "Okay Nile stop. We've talked about this. No one is ignoring you. I'm here, aren't I? But you need to stop taking the most extreme position to every problem. You're a smart whale-mind, but you sink into these… moods without thinking it through when you're agitated. and then, to change the subject quickly before Nile could get going on another topic of complaint; Did you practice the things I we talked about. NO. I TRIED YOUR THOUGHTFULNESS TECHNIQUE AND IT DID NOT DO WHAT YOU SAID IT WOULD. Nile said, their eye-stalks vibrating frantically, some banging into the ceiling. Agitation, the bad kind. "Okay, okay. It's fine. I said, waving my hands to get Nile's attention back on me, which they did, eventually, with about five or six small groups of eye-stalks. "Might I ask how many times you tried it out. MANY, MANY TIMES. And when I didn't answer, and the eye-stalks schooled into two groups; TWICE. Why didn't you try it more often Nile. AS I TOLD YOU, IT DID NOT DO WHAT YOU SAID IT WOULD DO. WHEN I FIRST ATTEMPTED THIS I BECAME STRESSED. I DO NOT THINK IT IS A GOOD TECHNIQUE. EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT METAPHORICALLY IS BEGINNING TO STRESS ME. The eye-stalks at the edge of the schools started to break off. It's fine Nile. No need to think about it if it's making things worse. Let's go back to the birds and break down the problem. I said, waiting for the stray eye-stalks to go back to the group before looking at my tablet and pulling up a visualisation. "When you file a report about birds, I see that you attach a negative emotion to it. The negative emotions– like stress, and anger– increase in frequency the more reports you make after the first. I'd like to find out what is it about birds that stresses you out. AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE. THE BIRDS ARE A PEST. I. think there's something more to it than that. When birds land on you what goes through your mind. I BELIEVE WE ARE STRAYING OFF OF THE MAIN ISSUE AT HAND, WHICH IS THE BIRDS WHO PERSISTENTLY PESTER ME. HOW CAN THEY BE REASONED WITH WHEN THEY DO NOT LEAVE WHEN ASKED TO. A SINGLE BIRD LEADS TO MORE BIRDS, WHICH APPLIES A COMPOUND INTEREST TO MY PROBLEMS. SOON THERE ARE TOO MANY BIRDS, ALL VIOLATORS OF MY SOVEREIGNTY. I paused for a moment. I tried to make Nile be more direct about how they felt, but they always awkwardly barged through into another topic, and I'd let it pass without challenge. Today though, I wanted to try something different. "Tell me. more about what you feel when the birds don't go away when you ask them to. OTHER THAN WANTING TO EAT THEM. You're trying to dodge the question Nile. Please, I'm trying to help, and I can't do it if avoid potentially painful things like this. I'm here to help you draw them out, and build a framework for coping with them. Nile fell silent for a minute, then another, eye-stalks trained on me, looking for something. Finally, they spoke up. "I FEEL UNEASY. TELL ME SOMETHING PERSONAL THAT YOU WOULD KEEP IN MY CONFIDENCE. PERHAPS THAT WILL BALANCE THE UNEVEN FEELING IN MY KEEL. I blinked in surprise. "As in, a fear. IT CAN BE THAT, IF YOU SO WISH. I'm scared that despite the progress you've made, I will fail, and you will fall back into the destructive habits that made me come in the first place. AND YOU CHIDE ME FOR AVOIDING ANSWERING QUESTIONS. A NON-ANSWER IF I HAD EVER HEARD ONE. NO, I WANT SOMETHING BETTER THAN THAT IF I AM TO FEEL COMFORTABLE DISCUSSING EMBARRASSING FEELINGS. I WANT TO SEE HOW YOU DO IT. I crossed my arms. Tilted my head. Tried to make a few faces. Gave up trying to be clever about it, deciding honesty the best approach for this situation. "Remember how hard I fought to make you open up a space in your BrainCore. AS FONDLY AS A HARPOON WOUND. It's, it's because I'm scared of the dark. Scared ever since I was a kid. It's stupid. When you opened your BrainCore for the first time I almost ran away. I know how big they are, and there was no way I was going to do anything in that while it was pitch black. AND IF I WERE TO TURN THE LIGHT OFF NOW AND CLOSE THE VAULT DOOR. The dim orange lights flickered then, and my body involuntarily whipped around to look back to my escape. "I JOKE. It wasn't funny. I said, feeling a cold sweat on my forehead. The bastard did it to see if I was being truthful I bet. "YOU ASKED WHAT I FEEL. Nile's eye-stalks broke up into smaller groups, circling around the wedge in a multi-coloured display of thoughtfulness. They eventually schooled into two groups of dark hues to either side of me. "IT IS SHAMEFUL TO ADMIT, AND IT SEEMS VERY INCONSEQUENTIAL A THING, BUT I FEEL… POWERLESS. IT MAKES ME ANGRY. ANGRY THAT I AM SO HELPLESS TO DO SOMETHING SO SMALL AND INCONSEQUENTIAL AS STOPPING BIRDS FROM BEING ON MY BODY. IT MAKES ME FEEL AS THOUGH I HAVE NO CONTROL. IT MAKES ME ANGRIER. IT MAKES ME WANT TO EAT THEM. And. you then funnel that anger into making reports. and editing Wikipedia when you pull into port. Because. these are things you know will give you some semblance of control. It's why you haven't subscribed to the whale data plan, why you keep playing… pranks on me when I try to come aboard. Because these are things that you can do, that prove you are… in control of things. Nile didn't respond, but their eye-stalks– dimmed and forlorn– showed all that was needed. "This is good Nile. It's good progress. I… I want to try and suggest some things that you can do to try and help. I HOPE IT IS NOT ANOTHER THOUGHTFULNESS EXERCISE. No. Nothing like that but. Just a. means of thinking about things differently. I had burned a large amount of good-will in making Nile do the thoughtfulness technique. Asking them to try spin after that failure would be an uphill battle, though it was one that I was willing to struggle every step of the way, if it meant Nile had a means of building themselves some means of recovery. "I LOOK FORWARD TO THIS NEW ALBATROSS. Nile said, though their eye-stalks schooled into one group, shining with curiosity. "When birds do land on you, try to spin it in a more positive way. I revealed. Nile's eye-stalks absorbed the message, then broke into two groups of waving annoyance. "HOW CAN I POSSIBLY ' SPIN ' THIS INTO A POSITIVE? THEY ARE VIOLATING–" I know, I know. I said to interrupt Nile before they got going again. "But listen. Let's consider for a moment that a bird lands on you in the middle of the pacific–" I DO NOT LIKE THIS CONSIDERATION–" – What is a bird doing in the middle of the Pacific. I said, powering through. "They're not there for fun time. They're probably on their migration route or something like that. When they see you– the only solid thing for thousands of kilometers– they're probably going oh thank fuck, finally, a place to rest. I said, making flapping motions with my arms to keep the whale-mind's attention. “You're saving them Nile. I AM. SAVING THEM? EXPLAIN THIS CONCEPT, AS I AM UNCLEAR WHAT YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO POINT OUT. Nile said, though their eye-stalks coalesced in such a way that made it clear they knew exactly what I was talking about, but wanted more detail. "They've flown hundreds even thousands of kilometres. They're looking for land or somewhere to rest. They're not violating your body willingly. You're saving them from dying from exhaustion. You are their saviour Nile, and that's a very powerful thing to be. WHEN PUT IN THIS CONTEXT THEIR ACTIONS SOUND REASONABLE. BUT IT STILL FRUSTRATES ME. I WOULD BE FINE WITH THE MATTER HAD THEY ASKED PERMISSION, PREFERABLY IN WRITING. Let's use another example. I said, picking up my tablet and scrolling through the task-list. "What about this? You listed ' THE BOLTS MAKE NOISES AS I ROLL ' with a negative emotion attached. Do you know why the bolts make noise. I AM NOT A CALF OF A WHALE-MIND, JOHNATHAN, AND YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT. OR PERHAPS I HAVE UNDERESTIMATED YOUR NAVAL KNOWLEDGE? MY BOLTS MAKE NOISES DUE TO STRESSES AND COMPOUND FRACTURES IN THE INTEGRITY OF MY BODY. THERE ARE PLENTY OF PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS–" Yes, yes. But, it's because you're a cargo ship. You're moving over twelve thousand tonnes when you hit your deadweight. Do you know of anything else on the planet, other than you whales, that can move this kind of weight. NO. You're powerful in that regards. How does knowing this make you feel. THAT I AM IN NEED OF A BETTER CONVERSATIONALIST. Nile's eye-stalks broke into several small schools of multicoloured frustration. "I STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO WITH THIS SPIN TECHNIQUE. It's fine. We've got plenty of time to go over more examples. But this is my exercise for you: Over the next two weeks, I want you to try and spin the situation into a positive one. I said, making a new column in the task-sheet titled Spin. "Keep making notes in the task-sheet and recording the emotions, and we'll go over them again in the next session. Does this sound like something you can do. THIS TECHNIQUE OF 'SPINNING' DOES NOT SEEM BENEFICIAL IN THE SLIGHTEST. Nile's eye-stalks had started to swim away, disinterested. I kept the frustration tightly locked in my head. "Let's keep going through the list, see what else we can spin, so you can try it out for yourself, eh. I said, picking up the tablet and scrolling through the entries. ––––– The next session with Nile took place in port instead of open seas. I sat myself down in Schrödinger's chair and opened the task sheet they'd sent. I found, not unsurprisingly, that they hadn't used my spin technique much. This would have been fine, had I not decided to cross-reference what little had been done, and found my exact wording against my own examples. I was a bit sour. "Why didn't you try it more. I asked with much more edge in my voice than I'd intended, while I looked at their eye-stalks to judge their mood. Disinterested was what I gathered, but perhaps I'd mistaken it this whole time for belligerence. It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about whale-mind emotions. "AS I MENTIONED, AND QUOTE, FROM OUR PREVIOUS CONVERSATION ON THE MATTER. IT NOT SEEM BENEFICIAL. Did you actually try to use the technique. Nile's eye-stalks schooled into a wall and hovered barely a meter away. "DO YOU NOT SEE THE ENTRIES IN THE TASK-SHEET? I HAVE DONE WHAT YOU HAVE ASKED, AND IT DID NOT WORK. I would believe you if you'd wrote them. Nile's eye-stalks crowded around me in a uniform grid; each eye-stalk vibrated with an intense colour. "THAT IS AN INTERESTING ACCUSATION TO MAKE, JOHNATHAN. ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU ARE MAKING EXCUSES FOR THE FAILURE OF YOUR OWN PROCESSES, AND SHIFTING THE BLAME ONTO ME. Here. I said, losing my temper at last and jumping to my feet, waving my tablet like an accusation, is last week's task-sheet, with the Spin we talked about during that session edited in while I was on the 'skimmer back. Nile's eye-stalks flinched back and then schooled into a single wall. After giving us both a few moments to cool down, I said; I don't mind that you did it, but I expected we would be honest with each other. I'm here to help, but I can't if you're making the choice to lie and be obstinate. If you'd rather I not be here, you can tell me right now you don't want to continue the sessions and I can be gone. I'd expected an immediate response; something condescending at the very least. But the only reply was the groan of the ship as it rolled. I exhaled loudly and sat myself down, uncomfortable with the sudden silence. "I'm sorry. I lost my cool there. I hope– hope – that we can work together on this. All I'm asking is for some cooperation. Should we continue. There was another long pause before the room rumbled with Nile's answer. "YES. LETS. Okay then. Let's start this session with what you tagged most in this week's task-sheet: Tug Boats. –––––– Months passed, and the weekly task-sheet thinned out as Nile absorbed the concept of spinning their problems, and sailed away with it to and fro across the pacific. There were sessions where Nile had clearly fallen and needed my help getting back up, but as time progressed, and Nile's experience and emotional maturity grew, and the need for 'recovery' sessions became less frequent. They had– to my delight– learned to build a framework for recognising when their feelings were edging into the extreme, and created internal processes for handling them. As Nile grew more confident in themselves and their feelings, they started making more time for things made them happy: interesting articles they'd read on Wikipedia; movies they'd watched; and booked they'd eaten up during the long voyage. The client-patient relationship we'd forced ourselves into gave way to something more casual, more conversational. We became, much to my surprise, friends. So I was a bit surprised when Nile awkwardly told me we should see each other less. I think it was about a year after we'd started, and I'd laughed at the phrasing of it, but agreed with them. We'd both recognized that there wasn't any need for dedicated sessions by that point, though I did manage to convince them to maintain an email list for a while, just in case. So, thankfully, I was able to move away from Australia and back to the UK, once I'd gotten my taxes back in order. At first our email threads were fairly active. But, time zones being what they are, it was hard to keep them up to date, especially when I had a caseload of things to do. Eventually, Nile's emails became something of a rarity that happened once a month, if that. I felt bad that I'd managed to let things slip like this, but, being where we were situated, there wasn't much I could do about it. It was six months after our promise to email each other that I saw an email from Nile with an attachment pop into my inbox. I was sitting in my cubicle in the Seland Office, chewing a bite of my peanut-butter sandwich. The suddenness of seeing Nile's email was enough that I choked. "Eh? What's up. Reggie said. A veteran and perpetually in my business when I made certain sounds, he'd already wheeled himself around the corner by the time I put my sandwich down. "Email from the Niledutch Spirit. I said, sputtering. Reggie snapped his fingers a few times before he managed to remember; oh yeah, the whale-mind that kept you in the wildlands for a while. I think I saw something about them transferring their lane contract a few days ago. Eh. Swapped out Sydney:whatever it was. Take a look on your computer. I shuffled to my computer and brought up the registry search. Sure enough, Nile had finished the Sydney:Santos lane contract and hadn't renegotiated for renewal. Instead, they'd put in a transfer order to move from the Pacific to the Atlantic. "Wonder what they want. I said, trying to be blasé, but feeling anything but. I looked to Reggie– who had the face of someone who wasn't going to leave me alone until he had his fill of potential gossip– then turned to open the email and narrate. 'JOHNATHAN. THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL BE DOING THE SYDNEY:SANTOS LANE. AFTER SOME CONSIDERATION I HAVE DECIDED TO MOVE ON TO THE DOVER:NEW-YORK LANE. IT IS A VERY BUSY LANE, BUT THERE IS A WHALE OPERATING THERE CALLED THE INDUSTRIOUS WHO HAS AN EVIL SENSE OF HUMOUR THAT I AM VERY PARTICULAR TOO. ALSO, IF YOU DID NOT KNOW, I HAVE FINALLY SUBSCRIBED TO THE DATA PLAN THAT YOU HAVE TOLD ME SO MUCH ABOUT. I CAN NOW EDIT WIKIPEDIA PAGES WITH MORE VIGOUR. I AM HAPPY TO REPORT I HAVE ONLY BEEN BANNED THREE TIMES IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS, WHICH IS A SIGN THE COMMUNITY IS FINALLY CONSIDERING THAT I AM A SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT. SIGNING OUT: – – – Niledutch Spirit, NOW WITH EMOJIS 🐋' At least it wasn't a complaint. Reggie said, rolling back to their cubicle with disappointment. "Yeah, I guess. I said, keeping the mask fixed firmly on my face. When he disappeared, I opened up the attachment sent with the email. It was a picture of Nile's BrainCore– but so startlingly different I had to look over it a few times to believe it. Replacing the grim plastic nightmare was a bright room; the walls– I'd never seen Nile's walls– had been painted with murals of rocks, birds, and shifting quotes from something I didn't recognise. The floor had a semi-transparent holo of the sea, which crashed against the black diamond stem and threw digital froth around the air. A sofa– black as the rock murals and hidden until I'd looked at it a few times– had been placed in frame. It looked, for all intents and purposes, like an invitation, like Nile was telling me through pictures 'ARE YOU PROUD WITH WHAT I HAVE DONE TO THE PLACE? I KNOW I CERTAINLY AM. WE SHOULD CATCH UP ON OLD TIMES. I'VE BOUGHT COMFORTABLE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE OCCASION. My hands were already typing a reply. Niledutch, It's been far too long. Your space looked incredible. Would you mind if I come and visit when you arrive in the Atlantic? We could catch up on lost time. Johnathan' I hit the send button, and received a resounding whale-mind YES to my question, as though Nile had been eagerly awaiting an answer. I couldn't help but grin at the thought. When I'd started talking to Nile– what felt like forever ago– they had been a cantankerous, argumentative, and downright unpleasant whale-mind to talk to. But through that muck a new whale-mind had shone through. A friend, if one could call a shipping-vessel a friend. I know I certainly could. I opened up my registry and queried for their route information, looking for when they would hit port. I replied to their to their confirmation with a date, and opened another tab looking at flight prices, thinking about what gift I could buy for a whale-mind like Nile.
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